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NOLA: Not an Ordinary Lousianna Adventure

Day 1 (12/20): this idea to go to New Orleans, Louisiana  (NOLA) came up three days before (Sunday) the day before I had nearly called off the trip bc I had fallen ill I drove for 10 hours and stopped in Dallas (Dallas parking lot: sheared my back bumper as I slowly eased off a […]


So much of senior year seems to be a waiting game. The first three months (and the preceding summer) were a frantic blur of filling out applications, writing essays, interviewing, then re-writing essays to apply to vet schools (or for others med or grad schools or even jobs) and Fulbright. Then the next several months … Continue reading Waiting…


As graduation approaches, I find that I’m even less willing to believe that this chapter of my life is closing than I was in high school. The idea that the friends I’ve made will scatter across the country and that the experiences I’ve had will fade into my past is something I can’t fully process … Continue reading Graduation

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